Hey everyone!
We’re kicking off the New Year with some new UK based VPS services. And no, we’re not 25 days late… we certainly didn’t forget to make an offer for the Gregorian new year….no no…. we at MLNL.HOST celebrate Chinese New Year, the traditional celebratory new year of UK based hosting companies. Obviously!
Though we may be a tad (7 month) late releasing our first UK based services… the crypto crash has wiped out half our wealth, and it’s really given us just the encouragement we need to get out of bed and do some actual work for a change.
Anyway, let’s get to the most important bit, the offers!
We have a range of plans, but only 2 of them fall under the LET rules so here we go:
1) UK-KVM-2G
-RAM : 2GB
-Disk: 50GB SSD
-Data Transfer: Unmetered
-Port Speed: 1Gbit/s
-1 x Dedicated IPv4
40% OFF works out to ~$4.2/month or $42/annually (avg. $3.5/month, 2 months free)
Promo Code: MLNL-UK-40
Order Now
2) UK-KVM-4G (45% OFF)
-RAM : 4GB
-Disk: 100GB SSD
-Data Transfer: Unmetered
-Port Speed: 1Gbit/s
-1 x Dedicated IPv4
45% OFF works out to 7$/month or $70/annually (avg. $5.83/month, 2 months free)
Promo Code: MLNL-UK-45
Order Now
Setup Time – Immediately after Payment
UK Looking Glass: http://uk.lg.mlnl.host/
General stuff applies. No abuse of any kind! So no SPAM, no hacking sites, no warez sites etc. None of that allowed. Rule of thumb is, if it’s legal and doesn’t attract DDoS, then it’s okay! If it’s legal but DOES attract DDoS, then you must go for our DDoS Protected plans. If you have to ask, it’s probably NOT okay. Abusers will be terminated without notice or refund (especially spammers!).
Any questions, please feel free to ask.