JustHost.ru offer quality VPS service since 2006 year. We offer best KVM VPS service on NVMe / SSD and HDD. Changing VPS OS / IP / location / configuration at any time available from billing panel. Flexible configuration. AliPay and UnionPay accepted. Crypto-coins (BTC BCH LTC) accepted. 7 locations available.
- lowest price with IPv6 ONLY VPS
- NVMe & SSD on all locations
- 15-days money back
- UNLIMITED 200 Mbit bandwidth
- 20% OFF with LET20 promocode (just add it to comment field)
- Flexible KVM VPS configuration
We offer:
NVMe VPS Start++
- 1 core
- 512 RAM
- 5GB NVMe
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 200Mbps Port Speed
- 1xIPv4 + 1xIPv6 included
135 RUB ($2.14) / month (with LET20 promocode)
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SSD VPS Start+
- 1 core
- 512 RAM
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 200Mbps Port Speed
- 1xIPv4 + 1xIPv6 included
125 RUB ($1.98) / month (with LET20 promocode)
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- 1 core
- 512 RAM
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 200Mbps Port Speed
- 1 x IPv6 included
64 RUB ($1.01) / month (with LET20 promocode)
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We accept payments:
- VISA/Mastercard/AMEX/JCB
- PayPal
- AliPay
- UnionPay
- Crypto-coins (BTC/BCH/LTC/ETH and others)
- Boleto
- WebMoney
- and many others.
We have 7 locations:
- DallasColo (Dallas, USA, Tier III, https://lg-dcolo.justhost.ru)
- IQ Data (St. Petersburg, Russia, Tier III, https://lg-iqdata.justhost.ru)
- DataLine (Moscow, Russia, Tier III, https://lg.justhost.ru)
- Rostelecom (ex Adman) (Novosibirsk, Russia, Tier III, https://lg-adman.justhost.ru)
- TTK (Novosibirsk, Russia, Tier III, https://lg-nskttk.justhost.ru)
- Fiord (Moscow, Russia, Tier III, https://lg-prgrs.justhost.ru)
- Rostelecom (Kazan, Russia, Tier III, https://lg-rtcom.justhost.ru)
English/Chinese/German/Russian support available.