Hello Everyone!
How are you doing this holiday season? Hope you guys are having a wonderful Easter so far!💚 This year we’ve got a bunch of ‘Easter Deals from our VPS Line’ and an egg-citing ‘Easter Egg hunt’ planned for everyone. Our Easter VPS Sale is now live. The Virtual Easter Egg Hunt will be commencing over the coming weekend. More details are available below.
Together with an international team of in-house DevOps Engineers and Support, we provide Premium Hosting and 24/7 Cloud Support via tickets for all our clients. As always, we listen to all of the feedback provided and continuously attempt to improve our services to match our overall customer demands better.
Easter Egg Hunt 2022 🥚🐇
To celebrate this season, CloudCone’s Easter Bunny has hidden Rare Easter Egg Deals somewhere on cloudcone.com and app.cloudcone.com.
Join the Easter Egg Hunt commencing on Easter Sunday 17th of April at 7.00 AM (PST). These Exciting Deals come with high-performance configurations, a feature-rich control panel and 24/7 Cloud Support.
It’s pretty simple: Solve and follow the clues to find the Easter Egg Codes.
Solve the clues mentioned on our Easter Egg Hunt 2022 event page by looking for certain keywords that would lead the way to the hiding spot. The lucky person to uncover the Easter Egg Deal first can purchase and deploy it.
A total of SEVEN Easter Eggs are hidden around, including 3 x SC2 instances, 3 x VPS instances and 1 x Dedicated Server with insane discounts. Solving a clue will direct you to a 4-digit alphanumeric code, which you will need to enter as part of a URL to acquire the rare plan hidden inside the Egg. Share this event with your friends and get them involved to solve the clues faster. 😉 Tick Tock…
What you need to do
- Sign up for a CloudCone account. It’s FREE to create and you have total control of what content you receive.
- Load your account with funds to match the price of your desired deal, so you may quickly complete the purchase.
- Solve and follow the clue of the Easter Egg deals you desire, to uncover 4 alphanumeric characters (Example code: PL8B) hidden across cloudcone.com and app.cloudcone.com.
- Once you’ve uncovered the hidden alphanumeric code, combine it to this URL: ‘www.clco.cc/insert found code here’. This will redirect you to the purchase page.
Example URL with the Easter Egg Code: www.clco.cc/PL8B
Visit the Easter Egg Hunt 2022 page to view the plans and their clues, you can pick which plan you like and hunt for it.
Terms and conditions to participate in our Easter Egg Hunt 2022
- A CloudCone account is needed to be eligible to participate in the event.
- Your CloudCone account is only allowed one Easter Egg Deal.
- The event will begin on the 17th of April, Sunday at 7.00 AM (PST) and no ending date has been issued yet.
- Those who find the alphanumeric Code (example😛L8B) have to combine it with this URL: www.clco.cc/ to be redirected to the purchase link.
- The Easter Egg deals will be captured by the First eligible user to quickly add funds and complete the purchase after finding the hidden code.
- If the participants are unable to solve the current clues, a new easier set of clues will be updated on the Easter Egg Hunt 2022 page.
Our friendly support is available 24/7 for any questions, feel free to drop us a message.
Good luck Everyone and may the Eggs be ever in your favor! ✨>>
We maintain an in-house built control and billing platform for end-users with a user-friendly UI that includes some robust features for the VPS product line.
Know the difference between our SC2 and VPS instances
This Easters’ offers are:
2 vCPU Core
45 GB RAID-10
SSD Cached Storage
4 TB Bandwidth at 1Gbps
1 x IPv4 address
Instantly Deployed
Based in Los Angeles, USA
Virtualization: KVM
Category: VPS
Deploy VPS Deal: https://app.cloudcone.com/vps/94/create?token=ebunny22-1
4 vCPU Cores
90 GB RAID-10
SSD Cached Storage
8 TB Bandwidth at 1Gbps
1 x IPv4 address
Instantly Deployed
Based in Los Angeles, USA
Virtualization: KVM
Category: VPS
Deploy VPS Deal: https://app.cloudcone.com/vps/95/create?token=ebunny22-2
NOTE: Add funds to match the relevant plan before deploying
How to order
- Additional Bandwidth: $0.01 /GB per month
Cloud Support & Care
A support team of experts, qualified and enthusiastic enough to take on any task are available 24/7. Our Cloud Associates and Cloud Engineers will work one-on-one with you to make sure all your concerns are addressed and they will not rest until your projects are online and running smoothly.
Terms and Conditions
- AnyCast DNS
- 7 Day money-back guarantees, no questions asked.
CloudCone Mobile App
Want to experience the true accessibility and convenience of our brand? Make use of our Mobile App’s Instant Support feature to quickly contact our support team anytime, anywhere. You can also access a detailed dashboard with your server’s overview, active tasks and billing-related activities. It also includes three key functionalities to ‘boot’, ‘reboot’ and ‘shutdown’. Download through the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for free!
Social Media
CloudCone Network Spec
Node Spec
2 x Intel Xeon E5 CPUs or Dual Silver CPUs
RAID-10 Drives
10 Gbit NIC Cards
Connected via Cisco Nexus 10G switches (FEX) on owned hardware/racks
For any questions feel free to reply to this thread and I’ll be more than happy to answer them.
CloudCone LLC
Since 2012