既法国IDC商家Online迫于电价上涨服务器价格后,荷兰老牌IDC Leaseweb也发布了涨价通知。
Dear Customer,
As you may be aware, the world is facing an energy crunch. Natural gas prices on the global TTF market for 2022 have increased from €18 MWh in January 2020 to €110 MWh in December 2021. Natural gas is the main driver of electricity prices, and as a result, electricity prices across the world have increased correspondingly. The reason for this volatility is the increased global demand for energy resulting from unprecedented fiscal and central bank support and supply constraints due to underinvestment and geopolitical tensions.
Until now, we have been able to protect you from these higher prices. Our third-party data center providers have announced to us a substantial increase of power costs for 2022, effective January 1, 2022. As a result, we are compelled to pass on this increase to the fees of your affected services, in accordance with our Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules. The increased fees will be effective from February 1, 2022, in addition to earlier announced fee increases.
We do not take this decision lightly, but the volatility in the energy markets is beyond our control and is likely to persist for the considerable future. Therefore, further energy price increases cannot be excluded. However, we will continue to make efforts to make our operations more energy efficient for our joint benefit. We already make use of very efficient data centers with low Power Usage Efficiency (PUEs), and we are now focusing our research on new ways to optimize server settings to lower energy consumption.
In line with our contract, please treat this letter as a formal notification of a change in power costs.
For Dedicated Racks and Colocation Racks, the fee will be increased by SGD 7.06 per Amp.
For Dedicated Servers, the fee will be increased by SGD 4.41 per rack-unit.
For all Cloud services, the fee will be increased by 3.5%.
We will continue to provide you with exceptional service – as we move together towards a sustainable future.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by creating a ticket from the Leaseweb Customer Portal. We are always happy to help.
Best regards,
Julia Gortinskaya
Managing Director
Leaseweb Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
您可能知道,世界正面临能源危机。 2022 年全球 TTF 市场的天然气价格已从 2020 年 1 月的 18 MWh 上涨至 2021 年 12 月的 110 MWh。天然气是电价的主要驱动因素,因此全球电价也相应上涨.这种波动的原因是由于投资不足和地缘政治紧张局势导致前所未有的财政和中央银行支持和供应限制导致全球能源需求增加。
到目前为止,我们已经能够保护您免受这些更高价格的影响。我们的第三方数据中心提供商已向我们宣布大幅增加 2022 年的电力成本,自 2022 年 1 月 1 日起生效。因此,我们被迫将这一增加转嫁给您受影响服务的费用,根据我们的Leaseweb B2B 销售合同时间表。除了早先宣布的费用增加外,增加的费用将从 2022 年 2 月 1 日起生效。
我们不会掉以轻心的决定,但能源市场的波动超出了我们的控制范围,并且很可能会持续相当长的未来。因此,不能排除能源价格进一步上涨。但是,为了我们的共同利益,我们将继续努力使我们的运营更加节能。我们已经利用了低电源使用效率 (PUE) 的非常高效的数据中心,我们现在正将研究重点放在优化服务器设置以降低能耗的新方法上。
对于专用机架和主机托管机架,每安培费用将增加 SGD 7.06。
对于专用服务器,每机架单位的费用将增加 SGD 4.41。
对于所有云服务,费用将增加 3.5%。
如果您有任何疑问,请随时通过从 Leaseweb 客户门户创建票证与我们联系。我们总是乐于提供帮助。
Leaseweb 亚太私人有限公司