今日Google AdWords在其Google+账号发布公告称,Chrome浏览器将从9月1日起将默认不播放Flash广告。为了延长笔记本电脑续航和改善性能,Chrome与 Adobe合作改进Flash的使用体验,次要Flash内容(也就是Flash广告)将会自动暂停自动播放,页面中心Flash内容的播放不会受到干扰。

In June, we announced (https://goo.gl/TF7dmD) that Chrome will begin pausing many Flash ads by default to improve performance for users. This change is scheduled to start rolling out on September 1, 2015.
Most Flash ads uploaded to AdWords are automatically converted to HTML5. To ensure your ads continue to show on the Google Display Network, please follow these steps before September 1:
1) Identify any Flash ads in your account that aren’t eligible for automatic conversion: https://goo.gl/I4186A
2) Convert these ads to HTML5: https://goo.gl/ZBq5DR